Thursday, July 29, 2004

RUG 2004 - Changes on the Way

The information below is for informational purposes only and should not be any indication of functionality Remedy may, or may not, deliver. If you were there and see that I screwed something, just let me know (

Super Goat
Probably ARS 6.3 due out sometime this fall -- certainly before the end of 2004. Major changes to the mid-tier including:

  • A complete rewrite of underlying code to maximize performance.
  • Remove dependence of Java on the client.
  • Improved look & feel (to look more like web pages).
  • Results list in a it's own pane (like the Windows User Tool).
  • Advanced search bar pane (like the WUT).

I had an engineer at the BMC/Remedy Solutions Showcase booth tell me that performance, "should be as good, if not better, than the Windows user tool". Officially, they announced that some things would be faster, some slower (it's a completely different environment, after all).

THOR - ARS 7.0(?)
The next "major" release that I'm reading to be 7.0 (but don't hold me to that!). Look for improvements in:

  • The ability to "group" fields on a form as a Panel Object.
  • Navigation Bars, both top & left (think web pages).
  • Tree Support (think Windows Explorer).
  • Better table fields that include better header bar(s).
  • Table personalization so your settings stay next time you open the form.
  • Modify All for the web.
  • Ability to Save your searches on the web.
  • Parameterized advanced search on the web.

At the engineering roundtable there was something else: don't be surprised if, few versions down the road, you see more "system administration" tasks removed from the Administrator Tool, and converted to ARS forms accessed via the WUT. I'll just let you use your imagination here...

RUG 2004 is in full swing now. The appreciation party is tonight at the ESPNZone. There is no more screwing around with "market-tecture" powerpoint slides or slick sales guys (well, they're always lurking around, aren't they?). Now it's time for excited geeks to talk code, and pester Doug Mueller.


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